How I Came to Discover That My House Is *secretly* HUGE

Secretly? Secretely? Secretley? No, it's definitely secretly, but no matter how I spell it today it looks wrong. Tangent - spelling is of no consequence. What is of literal and metaphorical great consequence is that my house is secretly huge . This is a fairly new discovery for me. For the last year and a half I have been mystified about some happenings here in VA, but just a few short weeks ago the fog around my perception vanished and I became cognizant of the fact that not only is my house secretly huge, but that I am the only one who cannot see its massiveness. In short, the truth dawned upon me one day just after I had finished completely and totally cleaning the kitchen -- there seemed to be not a crumb in sight or a spoon out of place -- and then who should arrive nearly magically and entirely of its own volition but a plate! And did this plate walk right over to the sink and jump in as I thought it should? No. It planted itself on th...