TOB paper (as it could have been)

My Theology of the Body Paper as it COULD HAVE BEEN!--because pictures make the world a better place--but wasn't..... In the Beginning (because where else would you start?) God created Man in His own Image....and damn was he good! This was the Original Solitude of man. The first man ’s singularity before God in creation did not simply point to a lack of other human beings, but to his uniqueness and personal calling to relationship with God. Each person exists in this solitude before God and is called, like the first man alone in creation, to unity with God. However, since God is a communion of Divine Persons, man was an incomplete expression of the image of God all by himself. So God put the man to sleep and brought Eve out of Adam. With the creation of Eve, Adam’s particular expression of humanity -- that of masculinity -- was awakened and confirmed by Eve’s difference from him -- that is, her femininity. Th...