
Showing posts from December, 2010

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

This one is for my buddy at IPS... because of a conversation we had one day about a Norse Viking named Wolfgang (classy, yet fierce) who she dances around the Christmas tree with, beer in hand. Here they are: *Note to Megan: I was thinking of titling this post "Rockin' Amadeus"

Early one November morning...

May I begin by saying that I love mornings. I love being alive in the mornings. Everything is still and fresh and wonderful. I don't love people in the mornings though. It takes a cup of coffee to prime me for any sort of conversation, and at least a few sips of coffee before I am capable of forming the words "good morning." Functioning on 3-4 hours of sleep was common at Ave after about 4 cups of coffee (o! all those nights of delirium when I forsook my bed and it despaired of my company!), and at grad school I have so far experienced this.......... once? Perhaps twice.  Once for sure in late November, just after my Ave visit and just before Thanksgiving. Now, I must point something out before you look at the sketches below.  I have named my Unconscious "Puck".  Sometimes we get along, sometimes he is contrary, sometimes he defends me, sometimes he plays pranks, and sometimes he is just plain insufferable.  He does not usually make his presence known first t...


Welcome to my unconscious! His name is Puck - after the mischievous fairy in A Mid Summer's Night's Dream .  Sometimes we get along, sometimes we don't.  Here he is: Tales will be posted of him anon....

The "maybe schizophrenic psycho (yeah)" song

schiz·o·phre·ni·a / ˌskɪt səˈfri ni ə , -ˈfrin yə / Show Spelled [ skit-s uh - free -nee- uh , - freen -y uh ] –noun 1. Psychiatry . Also called dementia praecox. a severe mental disorder characterized by some, but not necessarily all, of the following features: emotional blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior, delusions, and hallucinations. ne·ol·o·gism –noun / niˈɒl əˌdʒɪz əm / Show Spelled [ nee- ol - uh -jiz- uh m ] -noun 4. Psychiatry . a new word, often consisting of a combination of other words, that is understood only by the speaker: occurring most often in the speech of schizophrenics. Yes, we wrote this during class, oh, and you really should click on the pictures as you come to them to get the full effect: Diana walks into her therapist’s office and places a Styrofoam cup down on the coffee table between the two chairs. “ Look at what my br...