

The week of mayhem and madness is over! And I can finally go to sleep. But first let me share with you some of my projects from this year's worldwide scavenger hunt (learn more about GISHWHES ). First Project: Captain Jean Luc Picard in ketchup, mayo, mustard, and soy sauce: Then there was the Padoose and the giant bird nest: Followed by some children serving Hot Pasta with Jam Sauce: There was also the construction of the Sleazy City... And the grafitiing (with chalk) on a factory building (where I hope to work one day): There was a policeman not two hundred feet away during the temporary vandalism.... There was also the painting of an Elopus featured in a local art gallery museum: And an epic battle between an Elopus and Wooster: There was me as a rock star: And I will feature one of the videos I created: Spock and Kirk, and a tiny horse, in a Cuckoo: Here all all my teammates, The RickRollersLovesImpalaTorque, Brady Bunch style: Here ar...

Son of the Star of the Sea, Lord of the Storm


Coffee Lady

  This is the Coffee Lady. These are lightplates for Chris :)  The Pheonix  (which was supposed to be a Hawaiian flower but uh... the ink had other ideas)  And a lovely tree. Unfortunately my camera seems to have issues with yellow and orange, so these pictures are not quite true to color, but hey what can you do?

Kids are Jerks

....the famous last lines of me and my roommate  after any given bad day with our crazy children. And for your entertainment, Where the Wild Things Are , so much better as read by Christopher Walken:

Whitney & Luke

Happy Birthday to Our Lady  and Happy Wedding Day to Whitney and Luke!

Goldilocks and the Three Bears' Bathtub

 This is the story of Goldilocks. And three absent bears.  And a very big bathtub. So you all know the beginning of the story... The three bears, Momma, Papa, and Baby, go for a morning stroll down the path to the right, while waiting for their porridge to cool.  And since they were very honest, trusting bears, they left their front door unlocked. Meanwhile, up the other side of the road, a little girl came traipsing along.   And since she was a very rude little girl, upon seeing a door just her size, she walked right in, without so much as a knock! And since she was very dusty, and a little grubby, and feeling just generally sticky after wandering so far from her house that morning, she decided to use the bathroom to wash her face. When she found the bathroom, however, there was a marvelously grand and enormous bathtub, with fancy jets, a sleek faucet, and a full bottle of bubbles sitting right there on the edge of the tub!  It was too much...


This is Bartholomew. He is the medic on the pirate ship Fury . He is a gruff chap, never to be found without his pewter ale mug.