The week of mayhem and madness is over! And I can finally go to sleep. But first let me share with you some of my projects from this year's worldwide scavenger hunt (learn more about GISHWHES).

First Project:

Captain Jean Luc Picard in ketchup, mayo, mustard, and soy sauce:

Then there was the Padoose and the giant bird nest:

Followed by some children serving Hot Pasta with Jam Sauce:
There was also the construction of the Sleazy City...
And the grafitiing (with chalk) on a factory building (where I hope to work one day):
There was a policeman not two hundred feet away during the temporary vandalism....
There was also the painting of an Elopus featured in a local art gallery museum:
And an epic battle between an Elopus and Wooster:
There was me as a rock star:

And I will feature one of the videos I created: Spock and Kirk, and a tiny horse, in a Cuckoo:

Here all all my teammates, The RickRollersLovesImpalaTorque, Brady Bunch style:

Here are my favorites from the RickRollers:

Alfalfa and his paper mache head:

Team Dad on a rocket bike:
Caveman in LA:
Elopus Coffee Art:
Why Excel Sheets are valuable:
The newest Hipster facial hair, bound to catch on:

Four heads (alive!) in the sand:
A Stormtrooper at a spa:
Photographic evidence that unicorns really do fart rainbows!:

And finally, a fitting end to a good GISHWHES week, I leave you with the destruction of Sleazy City by the ferocious and distractable, the absentminded terror, Furzilla:


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