Goldilocks and the Three Bears' Bathtub

 This is the story of Goldilocks. And three absent bears.  And a very big bathtub.

So you all know the beginning of the story...

The three bears, Momma, Papa, and Baby, go for a morning stroll down the path to the right, while waiting for their porridge to cool.  And since they were very honest, trusting bears, they left their front door unlocked. Meanwhile, up the other side of the road, a little girl came traipsing along.

And since she was a very rude little girl, upon seeing a door just her size, she walked right in, without so much as a knock!

And since she was very dusty, and a little grubby, and feeling just generally sticky after wandering so far from her house that morning, she decided to use the bathroom to wash her face.

When she found the bathroom, however, there was a marvelously grand and enormous bathtub, with fancy jets, a sleek faucet, and a full bottle of bubbles sitting right there on the edge of the tub!  It was too much to resist!  So Goldilocks found a book, and a cup of juice, and turned the faucet all the way on and dumped the bubbles all the way in!  

First Goldie made the water too hot, and burned her hand when she tested it.  Then she made the water too cold.

When the water was finally just right, Goldie discovered the tub was too tall, so she had to get a stool to climb over the edge to get in...

...and slipped all the way to the other end of it!  The tub was too wide and too long. Goldie thought it must have been made for giants.  And she clunked her head on the bottom when she slipped -- it was too hard!

But finally she situated herself with her back against one side, and her feet firmly against the short side, and happily began reading.

 Everything seemed wonderful for a while, but the Tub had other ideas.

All at once, the jets and faucet both came on full force, bubbles were being multiplied at a rate that would alarm white rabbits, and Goldie was sucked into the undertow!

When she finally managed to turn the jets and the faucet off, and extricate herself from the tub, Goldie was thoroughly annoyed.

She stalked off in a huff, hungry and exhausted from her near-drowning experience, and vowing, henceforth, to shun anything too hot, too cold, too tall, too wide, or too hard.

The Beginning.


  1. I love the last picture especially, where Goldie is walking off in a huff with her nose in the air.

  2. Next Goldie should struggle to get some caffeine from the uber complicated espresso machine!

  3. Truth be told, I have not yet ventured to try their espresso machine...


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