Sandy sandy sandy

I know that Ms. Sandy wreaked havoc up and down the New York/New Jersey coast, and that is terrible, but where I am she hit just hard enough to get me a mini-vacation, but not hard enough to knock my power out, and so this is what I did....

This was the first painting I did with alcohol inks on yupo paper, and it had to be fixed. So I fixed it. Yay.
Then I painting some lightswitches... because when you can't paint the walls you might as well colorize the switches.

Sunflower for Val :)


Starry Night!

Then I did some other little pictures...

Windy City

and Bilbo was sleeping in his hammock

and a little something for Halloween

 and tomorrow, at 5:30am, in seven and a half hours.... there will be no more time to paint again :(


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